Best Guide About How To Post Job At SathiJob in 2024.

How can you post an job at SathiJob? You’ll definitely want to know the ease of the detailed process of post-job at SathiJob.

ABOUT SathiJob

SathiJob is an Innovative platform that promotes job opportunities through its platform.
SathiJob is an innovative platform for connecting job seekers and companies to help candidates and quality positions and companies hire passionate candidates.

We promote job opportunities through our platform and create awareness for job culture through our platform. We aim to be a one-stop solution for finding jobs and job opportunities for both companies and candidates with a hassle-free process.

Steps To Register/ Post job at SathiJob

1. Sign up/ Login As an Employer

  1. If you have just landed on the site then you can register/signup.
  2. Or sign in with your respective credentials.
InternSathi HomePage Signup Signin Post Internship At InternSathi

Step 2. Sign Up as an employer

  1. Enter a user name without a space between words. (Sathi_Job or SathiJob)
  2. Enter your email (personal or company).
  3. Enter and confirm your password.
  4. Enter the phone number with the proper country format (+977 or Nepal)
  5. Enter the organization name for which you are hiring.
  6. Click on the checkbox to accept the terms and conditions.
  7. Finally, click on Sign Up.
  8. You will be redirected to verify your email address.
  9. You will receive an email to verify the code and link.
  10. After verification, you will be redirected to the employer dashboard.

Step 3: Complete Your Employer Profile

  1. Check the company name.
  2. Check email.
  3. Check the profile URL.
  4. Check the phone number.
  5. Enter the website address.
  6. Select sectors you work on and want to hire. (max 10 sectors).
  7. Enter the founding date.
  8. Write about the company description. (Company About us)
  9. Company Social Links (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  10. Check country
  11. Select State (Region Wise)
  12. Select City
  13. Enter City Postal Code (Search from Google)-Zip code of {your city name}
  14. Enter the full address of your company.
  15. Click the check box
  16. Enter Save Settings
InternSathi Employer Dashboard Complete Profile Post Internship At InternSathi

Step 4: Post a Job / Internship

  1. Click to post a new job.
  2. Enter a job title.
  3. Enter a job description (template given).
  4. Select an application deadline.
  5. Select a job sector for this situation.
  6. Select a job type.
  7. Select/ Enter required skills.
  8. Select job apply type.
  9. Enter your salary (Min-Max).
  10. Select experience
  11. Select Industry
  12. select qualification
  13. If you want, add some questions.
  14. Check country name
  15. Check state.
  16. Check city.
  17. Check postal code
  18. Check address.
  19. Click on checkbox
  20. Click on “post a job.”
InternSathi Employer Dashboard Post a Job Internship Post Internship At InternSathi
image Post Internship At InternSathi

Step 5. Job Post live

  • Visit Dashboard
  • Navigate to manage jobs to check the status of the job you have posted.

Finally, you have posted the job at SathiJob. Now just wait to get the awesome applications onto your employer dashboard.

Start Getting Applications for your position within a few hours.


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