
Welcome to the Change log of Get updated with the changes and updates made/ done on internsathi platform.

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April 2022

  • Added Computer Networking Sector
  • Added one Additional Resume Template
  • Added Change Log & Advertise With Us Page on Footer/ Quick Links
  • Auto Package Update after purchase.
  • Added Adsense on the website.
  • Candidate Package Coupon Created Unlimited
  • Removed Adsense from Website

May 2022

  • New user auto package subscribe email off
  • New User Package Assign Automatically

June 2022

  • Local Ads Test On
  • Candidate Auto Package Update Smooth CPM after Signup.
  • Employer Admin Manual Verify Off & Auto Email Verify On.
  • Candidate Compulsory Profile score increased to 85%
  • Apply by Email Features active
  • Employer Multiple Sector Selection On
  • Candidate multiple sector on upto 5
  • Sector-wise skill suggestions optimized

July 2022

  • Job description Template Added for SEO
  • Website Landing Page Banner Changed
  • Top Logo Banner and Footer Banner Optimized and Smushed
  • Footer Menu Quick Link Added
  • Internship Category Architecture Managed
  • Job Type Added (Full Time, Part Time, Remote)

Aug 2022

  • Speed Optimized
  • Local Ads off Banner Display Off
  • New Pricing Plan
  • Customer Support Added with Omnichannel System
  • Internship listing Nav Bar Optimized
  • Employer Sector Off while signup

Sep 2022

  • Image Optimizations by converting images to WebP automatically.
  • Site indexability optimized for google.
  • Resume Export Features Off
  • Admin , Employer and Candidate Chat Features off
  • Live Chat and CRM Added
  • Candidate Profile Admin Review On – Min 70% Profile Score for Profile Approval
  • Website Speed Optimization
  • Chat Bot Delay to 20 sec
  • Signup Form First Name and Last Name removed
  • Signup form auto-username creation by system
  • All type of password acceptable – very week to strong
  • Resume Upload while signup off
  • Resume Upload from the Homepage
  • Signup Form Easy and Quick
  • Package direct order from website off – Manual Payment receive
  • Auto complete order off – Manual Package Update
  • Speed Optimization from C to B
  • Site Loader off
  • Footer – Made By ❤️ In Nepal → Made With ❤️ In Nepal
  • Job Details Filter Removed – Advertisement, Location, Date Posted, Salary, Experience, Skills, Qualification
  • Profile Image Upload Size Limit – 300KB
  • Default Profile Added for Employer – If No Image Upload
  • Employer Dashboard Clean and auto Free Internship Listing Package Assign
  • Dashboard Delete Account Feature Removed
  • Candidate Dashboard Clean and auto New User Package Assign with Unlimited Apply Job
  • 120+ Sectors Added
  • Nav Bar Internship Sector Customized
  • Internship Sector Menu Added – Demanded & Popular
  • All candidate unapproved whose profile score is less than 70%
  • Site Loader on
  • Profile score marks updated and distributed.
  • CV/ Cover Letter / Resume Upload size upto 1 MB.
  • Candidate upto max 10 sector add limit.
  • Job type “contract” added.
  • Nav bar internship sector optimized Tech and Non-tech
  • Page cache all upto 4 hrs. – Cloudflare
  • Font changed – Montserrat to Alata
  • Favicon Updated circle to square
  • Blog page nav bar overlapping fixed
  • Post Updated – How to Post Internship in InternSathi
  • Post Updated – How to Apply Internship in InternSathi
  • Footer Account Section extend off
  • Footer notification off
  • Auto approval on
  • Minimum profile score to apply for job/internship 92%
  • Minimum profile score to apply for job/internship 95%
  • Added International Internship type
  • Added international job type
  • Added International Internship type on navigation bar
  • Added international job type on navigation bar
  • Added first name and last name of signup form and turned off username.
  • Country Issue Fixed.
  • Signup Form Sector Over Extend Fixed.
  • Homepage Search Placeholder modified to Job Title to Internship Title.
  • Mobile Version Post A internship button disappear fixed.
  • Homepage h1 tag overlap disappear fixed.
  • Homepage counter updated Internship added, active resume, position matched.
  • Changelog page title overlap in menu on desktop mode fixed.
  • Sector Autosuggestion Optimized
  • Skills Optimized and Filtered
  • Email template optimized

Oct 2022

  • Added tooltip on candidate dashboard for help (i) button.
  • Fixed auto logout issue on homepage.
  • Added a tooltip on employer dashboard.
  • Email auto send optimized to sector based.

Nov 2022

Dec 2022

  • Login without register on.
  • Complete Profile limit 50.
  • Login without register off.
  • Google Signup Activated

Jan 2023

  • Google Signup Off
  • Phone Number Compulsory for signup

Feb 2023

  • Contact Us Page Nav Bar

March 2023

  • Pricing Page Updated
  • Package system enabled
  • Order system enabled
  • Signup phone number validation fixed
  • Employer Dashboard- View all application button optimized